
Above Elbow Prosthetics (Transhumeral)

There are two basic types of Above elbow prosthetic parts or upper extremity prostheses: body-powered and battery powered prostheses.

A body powered prosthetics work with the help of harnesses or cables or sometimes manually to control and mobilize the terminal device, whereas in battery operated prosthesis, electric current signals are used to perform a muscle contraction.

The Battery Powered myoelectric prosthetics picks up signal present in the amputated limb and then amplifies the signal received with the help of a rechargeable battery. This working enables more of freedom and comfort and doesn’t require a patient to perform strenuous contractions.

We prefer to prescribe battery operated myoelectric prosthesis for Above elbow prosthetic in India because to our patients for improving the quality of life of those who have lost their hand in any unfortunate situation. They look and perform in the same way as normally a hand would function.